Monday, 13 October 2014

How To Earn Money With Genesis Global Network:GGN


Genesis Global Network

Join Genesis Global Network Now - become a founding member and make money online! 

Are you in any online business? If no, you should! Do you realize that diversifying reduces your risk? And the stakes are best if it's a new company? Even if you're an affiliate somewhere, you now have a Golden Opportunity to become a Founding Member in a new online business program - the GenesisGlobalNetwork, GGN.

GenesisGlobalNetwork - Genesis Global Network, GGN

Something BIG is headed your way and you don't want to miss it!

GGN - the company and its products/services

GenesisGlobalNetwork, GGN, is an online performance-based, product and service company that enable people to buy advertising packs or Business Units (traffic), products and services both for their business and personal use.

Genesis is a legal corporation registered in Belize with a US based office in Maryland. It has a vision to build the GENESIS GLOBAL NETWORK™ into a Premier Global Marketing Company over the next five years.

GenesisGlobalNetwork - Genesis Global Network, GGN

You do NOT have to promote any product/service to make money. You can keep it simple thus:
  1. Join NOW
  2. Pick your Ambassador level (I always recommend Ruby or higher)
  3. Buy your Business Units (1 BU is $1; you buy minimum 10 and maximum 10000)
  4. View 10 ads every day
  5. Get paid
Or, in addition to step 1-5 above, you could decide to promote one or all of its product/services (see below) as business or for your personal use. Or, in addition to steps 1-5 above, with or without promoting any of the products/services, you could begin to recruit downlines to exponentially increase your earnings.

Compensation Plan

1). Business Units
*Earn rewards daily for advertising with GGN!

Business Units, or "BUs" contain ad views and can earn Rebate Rewards on a daily basis six days each week, Monday through Saturday.

Affiliates may purchase BUs for $1.00 each and from a minimum of 10 to a maximum of 10,000. As the BUs earn cash-back rewards, 70% of the earnings will go toward buying more BUs. 30% of the commission dollars will go into the affiliates "Cash Bucket or wallet" to be used at the affiliate's discretion. The money can be withdrawn, used to pay the monthly package fee, purchase more BUs, etc.

These BUs can earn for a maximum of 90 "Pay Days" (Monday through Saturday represents 6 "Pay Days"). 90 "Pay Days" represents 15 weeks of rebate rewards. Once 90 "Pay Days" have been reached, the original BUs expire and the remaining balance can continue to earn rewards. As you purchase/re-purchase more BUs on any given day those new BUs then also have 90 "Pay Days" to earn rewards before expiration.

Each affiliate position - Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald will have a "Cap" as to how many BUs one can purchase and/or re-purchase. An Emerald may accumulate as many as 10,000 BUs which can earn rewards for 6 "Pay Days" each week. GGN will announce new "Leadership" positions for its Grand Launch on August 8, 2014 which will allow individuals to accumulate more than the 10,000; even as much as one Million!

Business Units qualify for Personal and Team commissionable sales as follows:
  1. As a Pearl Ambassador, earn 5% on the purchase of BUs by your PSAs (Personally Sponsored Affiliates)
  2. As a Ruby Ambassador, earn 5% on your PSAs and 2% on your 2nd generation
  3. As a Sapphire Ambassador, earn 7% on your PSAs and 3% on your 2nd generation
  4. As an Emerald Ambassador, earn 10% on your PSAs, 3% on your 2nd generation and 2% on your 3rd generation.
2). Matrix
*The power of residual income!

Genesis has a 2 x 5 Expandable Matrix which every Affiliate falls into. Each affiliate then has two positions directly beneath him or her, one on the right and one on the left. Each of those two has the same, expanding the original affiliate's matrix to two levels with four on that level, etc. Genesis affiliates are known as "Ambassadors".

When a Pearl (10RV) or higher, affiliate has two paid Personally Sponsored Ambassadors (PSAs), the affiliate qualifies to earn commissions from monthly Ambassador Package purchases through five levels in the matrix.

When qualified as a Ruby (50RV) with three PSAs and 200 total RV, the affiliate can earn now through 10 levels.

When qualified as a Sapphire (100RV) with four PSAs and a total 500 RV, the affiliate can now earn through 15 levels.

When qualified as an Emerald (200RV) with five PSAs and 1200 RV, the affiliate can now earn through all 20 levels. In addition, a fully qualified 20-level Emerald also qualifies for a 10% matching bonus on the matrix commissions earned by all his/her PSAs.
3). Retail Sales
*The driving force behind the GGN business model

As with any business of its kind, products and services must be moved to the end users, the customers, to remain in compliance with all applicable laws. Genesis has and will continue to seek out the very best products and service for its affiliates to market to their customers.

Through Genesis Health & Wellness, Genesis Wireless Services, Genesis Getaways Travel Services, Genesis Fun Deals Savings Club, Genesis Penny Auction, Genesis Online Shopping Mall and more, Genesis plans to become the number one products driven company of its kind worldwide.

A portion of all retail sales net revenue will go into the Rebates Rewards Pool (see below for details) to be shared by GGN affiliates and certain products will also qualify for personal sales commissions and/or other awards to go to affiliates.

4). Bid Purchases
*Entertainment shopping at it's finest!

Bid Purchase Packs will be available for purchase when the GGN Penny Auction launches prior to the Grand Launch in August of 2014.

These Bids will be sold in packs for as affordable as $10.00 allowing most people to purchase them to use on the auction. Bid Packs qualify as a 20% Personal Sales commission item.

5). View Packs
*Worldwide views to your website for pennies on the dollar

View Packs will be sold in various increments to be used to send traffic to your site. View Packs qualify as a 20% Personal Sales commission item.

6). Advertising
*Helping you get your message into the world marketplace

One of GGN's main goals is to create a strategic alliance with millions of small to mid-size businesses by helping them expand their products and services into the world market place. Helping them with their advertising needs will give them a leg up into getting their products and services known well beyond their own neighborhood.

7). Rebate Rewards Pool – RRP
*Share daily in GGN sales and growth

Genesis puts a portion of every sale into the Rebate Rewards Pool each week and will award it the following week based on the number of outstanding BUs owned by the affiliates and paid on a daily basis Monday through Friday as follows: Pearl Affiliates can earn rebate rewards up to a maximum of 1.3% of their BU balance, Rubies up to 1.5%, Sapphires up to 1.7% and Emeralds up to 2%.

These percentages represent the "Cap" for that position for that day. If the amount placed into the RRP for the week happens to come to 9% of revenue for the week, then we know that we will award an average of 1.5% per day for Monday through Saturday next week (i.e 9% divided by the 6 days). This will then be awarded as previously discussed. (See the heading "Business Units" to assist in understanding).

8). Personal Sales
*Earn cash in your pocket weekly

Personal Sales Bonuses of 20% are paid on various sales including, but not limited to, monthly Ambassador Packages purchased by an affiliate's Personally Sponsored Ambassadors and sales of certain other products and services purchased by your PSAs. IE: Bid Packs, Ad Views, Emerald Diplomat positions, Wireless Cell Services, etc.

An affiliate also earns from sales of Business Units as follows:
  1. As a Pearl Ambassador, earn 5% on the purchase of BUs by your PSAs (Personally Sponsored Affiliates)
  2. As a Ruby Ambassador, earn 5% on your PSAs and 2% on your 2nd generation
  3. As a Sapphire Ambassador, earn 7% on your PSAs and 3% on your 2nd generation
  4. As an Emerald Ambassador, earn 10% on your PSAs, 3% on your 2nd generation and 2% on your 3rd generation.
9). Team Sales
*1% of 100 peoples efforts is better than relying on 100% of your own

When a Genesis affiliate begins to enroll new affiliates into Genesis and they do the same, a team begins to grow. A paid affiliate who sponsors at least two new active affiliates becomes eligible to receive overrides on commissionable product purchases/sales from their team. See "Matrix" and "Personal Sales" for in depth explanation as to how to earn Team commissions.

Why You Need To Join GGN Now!

Did you know that early members of any income opportunity program earn the most? You need to join now because this is a rare opportunity to become one of the founding members of the Genesis Global Network.
Although GGN is past the initial beta phase, the program is currently in Pre-launch. See 'GGN launch stages' below.

Also the spillover from your upline allows the building of teams and maximizes earnings because you will earn from both your direct downlines and the spillover downlines.
So, an early entrance is important for top positioning in the 2x20 matrix portion of the compensation plan. If you want to make a top position in the 2x20 matrix and a lot of spillover from the upline, you need to register now.

Finally, the company is ONE BIG FAMILY where everyone wants everyone else to succeed. It holds regular live training webinars and conference calls, in addition to a very robust and friendly support team.
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