Friday, 12 June 2015

Child Escape Tragic Accident

Escaping from an accident safe and sound is a miracle. So many of us should have had the taste of accident. Some of us remain safe and sound, but some get injured. People who remain safe call it miracle.
Same kind of miraculous accident was captured through CCTV camera, where one kid was going on footpath with his father. Suddenly car coming from the opposite direction hits another car and drag that car on footpath.

Video Link  :

Now if you see that accident closely, you will notice one of the car just rolled over from the kid in video. But the kid was safe and sound. He gets up on his own and there is no injuries on him not even a minor injury, whereas his mother was down.
In that accident you would have noticed two things first one is preternatural. Kid does not has any injury neither major nor minor and he gets up on his own. But the second thing you may not have noticed it’s about the love of mother towards her child.
She was trying to save her first but she has only few seconds at her disposal to make any action. She could not do much but she at least tried. This proves that mother is blessing for everyone.
If you are on road accident can happen anytime, what we need to do is to take security measure. We need to keep an eye here and there. We need to concentrate on traffic while road crossing. We need to keep our cell phone in our pocket until or unless it`s not an emergency.
After taking the above mentioned security measures we do have a chance to escape an accident. Because after taking security measures our six sense will have more power to sense anything happening around.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Lantern by Pepsi – Great Innovation for IDPs

Army transferred them to these temporary homes while there is operation running in Wazirstan. After the operation Pakistan army has decided to covert them back to their houses and make beautiful homes, roads, schools, hospitals and parks in Wazirstan.

Some thousands of IDPs are currently being transferred back to their homes and rest of them are ready to be transfer. Now in their temporary homes, Pepsi surprised them by firing beautiful lantern made of 1.5 liter bottles.
These lantern made of Pepsi are currently being hanged by Pepsi right out side every IDP campus. Today all we want to say ‘Thank you’ to Pepsi company who showed mercy instead of government.

Punjabi fight at wedding ceremoney.

Weddings are one of the most exciting events in Asian culture. In West people dont bother to marry now a days, but here in our country its most important day of your life.
Video Link :
Many weddings happen every single day around us and they depend upon the financial and social back ground of the families  doing the wedding.
Mostly people really fight on weddings on pity matters. Most of such matters are about the money issues or related to food.
Mostly its a matter of shortage of food. The guests also jump at the food like this is the last time in their life to enjoy any feast.
One such fight also happened at this Punjabi wedding but it happened because of a girl.
A single girl was dancing on the floor when she was disturbed by a boy dancing with her. The boy would have never expected this much strong reaction from the girl.

Shark attacks

Shark is one of the dangerous sea animals in the world. Shark can easily sneak nearby your boat and you will not even notice about it. Shark jaw has strongest grip in all the animals either they belong to land or those are sea animals as per research done by national geographical channel.
People do go enjoy in sea and normally who like to see sea nature very closely. They go for deep water jump, before going to deep water jump they should ask the instructor about shark existence in that specific area of water.
Video Link
Shark has one unique ability. It can sense from kilometers and will come to straight if you are bleeding from anywhere of your body. Sharks normally have the ability to tear you apart in just few seconds. It will not even give you time of a second.
Length of shark can be up to 12 meter. Sharks are found in all sea around the world and are common to the death of 2000 meters, so it means you have to be careful when you are going on the voyage of ocean on your personal boat.
People who get careless, pay have price in the end. Evidence can be seen in video and this is one real video. Few friends decided to go on voyage of sea; furthermore they decided to go towards deep sea on very tiny boat. Then what happened can be seen in video attach with.
Care is the first thing which should be there when you are in sea

New Bayan of Maulana Tariq Jameel

Islam is religion of peace. If you read Quran, Follow the footprints of Hazrat Muhammad SAW. You will know how beautiful is Islam. It is wonderful religion. Maulana Tariq Jameel is well known Islamic scholar of Pakistan.

Bayan Title: ALLAH kay rastay mein kharch karnay ki Fazeelat.
This bayan is very famous of Maulana Tariq Jameel. In this bayan maulana elaborate what is dividend of wealth in the country. What is known facts of dividing wealth.
You may know Maulana Tariq Jameel as a strict person who all the time required you to fulfill every aspect of Islam strictly. But this video is going to change your way of thinking about him. In this video you will see a great humor from Maulana Tariq Jameel.
On a occasion he described he known as boy who used to work on bus terminal where his work was helping driver parking busses all day long. And he used to repeat “Aan deyo” in punjabi which means “Yes” or keep it going.
On his nikkah ceremony when mullah asked him do you agree this nikkah ceremony with that girl he said “Aan deyo”. This was the most funniest moment when crowd laughed out so loud. Watch the full video above and comment your thoughts about this video in comment section.

Rabia Anum Making Fun of Nasir Jamshed

Geo TV channel is always ahead of making fun when there is anything related to Pakistan. They will broadcast strange types of news to show against Pakistan.
This is what happened when Nasir Jamshed took one catch after dropping so many catches. Rabia anum and team of Geo showed one Indian movie Lagaan where one fielder was very lazy to take ball but he suddenly took one good catch.

People in the movie celebrated his catch. They appraised him for taking catch but here in Pakistan there is vice versa on everything. Nasir jahmshed was dropping catch he was on criticism and his fate did not change even after taking one difficult catch.
Shahid Afridi was balling against batsman of UAE. The batsman tried to hit Shahid Afridi out of the park but he miss-judged the ball.
It was  the in air for a long time and the fielder to catch that ball was nasir jamshed. He is famous due to his mis fielding and dropping the catches and it was astonishing moment for everyone when he grabbed that difficult catch so easily.
All the players in the ground were jubilant and celebrated it. They were all praising Nasir Jamshed for his good catch and all the Pakistanis around the world were also appraising Nasir Jamshed.
There was only one channel that was not praising our player, in fact that channel was busy to make fun of Nasir Jamshed.
For evidence you can see in video.

Snake Vs Monkey

People in remote areas have adopted different profession to spend their lives. Some of those professions are very much famous around the world. For example farming and cattle cradling, but few of those are not that famous because of the nature of work.
For instance you can see in video, guy has adopted strange kind of profession. He is making monkey dance and he also has snake with him. He has another monkey on other side that has gun in its hand and gun is pointed towards snake.
This profession is very strange and dangerous, for this profession you need to have these types of animals. Monkey and snake are not easy to seize as pet.
There should be proper healthcare in remote area along with education. Proper hospital with all the medical facilities and if not then roads should be in good condition to access urban area.
There should be another facility for healthcare and that is Air ambulance. With the support of air ambulance it would be easy to save life of people in remote area. It would be easy to transport patient to anywhere in the world depending on the condition of patient.
If Gov and NGOs start providing these facilities to the people of ruler areas, then Gov and NGOs will definitely win the heart of the people living in remote area.  Furthermore it will decrease the burden on urban areas and hospitals of urban areas.

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