The owner of the hotel claimed that this is something that is done by the competitors of his hotel in France who want to damage his million dollar business.
First of all the local police authorities came to detect what was going behind the hotel. The hotel owner was also offering much cheaper rooms for the tourists but the people were scared to stay his hotel in France.
There are many hotels in France and people prefer to stay at other hotels near Paris. Paris is also one of the visited spots in the world.
It is also known as the capital of fashion but the hotel business is only owned by the powerful people who can invest millions of dollars from the very first day.
The police when came these visited the back side of the hotel in France. What they found there was shocking and that also forced them to run from the place.
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They found 3 large anacondas in the woods and the strange voices that were coming were from these 3 anacondas.The back side area of the hotel is a large open field which is mostly composed to a jungle. This jungle contains different kind of birds and small not so dangerous animals like foxes, dogs and other animals.
No one was expecting to find the large anacondas from the back side of the hotel. This is no more a mystery now that from where these voices where coming.
If you ever visit France and you had to look for a hotel in France, we advise you to stay away from the hotels that are located near the wildlife areas.
Dont fall for the cheap rates of the rooms.
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