They say that change is the spice of life and smile is the best medicine. If you want to live long and you want to stay energetic throughout the day then keep smiling.
Smile is the best medicine in the world. Many doctors prescribe the heart patients that if they are feeling stressed then they should smile and laugh. Even if they have to force themselves to do it.
When we smile it is not just the exercise for our cheek bones and muscles but also pump blood through the veins to the heart.
If you want to see a practical example of using smile and laugh through out the day then meet this reporter of the NDTv.
Her life maybe very busy and very stressed but still she is very fulfill and content with what she has achieved in her life. Her smile is the answer to her fresh skin and good health.
She smiles her heart out while doing the job and this is not just limited to her job only. They say that she is like this throughout the day.
Life is though these days. The number of people dying of the heart diseases and the digestion problems in increasing day by day.
The simple answer to this is that people have forget to smile and to say thanks to each other. The feeling of gratitude towards is the best feeling. Gratitude is the best attitude.
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