Saturday, 6 June 2015

Story of a brother & sister from North

This is a story from Northern area of Pakistan where Two brother ruined the life of their sister.  According to sources from London, I came to know that this man has been suffering from severe health complications for several months’ hospital, London.
He is under the supervision of doctors of service hospital London. In London, they are trying their level best to save the life of this innocent man.
Another thing which we should notice here is that this man belongs to a poor family say hospital, London. His wife and other family members cannot afford to pay the high fees of doctors of London hospital.
ALLAH has taught us everything in Holy book of Quran. However man is very greedy. People think they can make better divisions than their god. These two brothers crossed the line and married to their sisters in Gujarat.
Watch and learn a lesson or two from this video. In this two brothers marries the girl that is also their sister. Please spread this message so people can learn from other’s mistakes.
This video is getting viral on social media, Facebook, Twitter and Bing. Watch and spread the message.

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